Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Oreo Balls.

This was not on Pinterest (shock I know) oreo balls are amazing yet a pain the butt to make! The recipe I have is as follows:

1 package regular size Oreo cookies, crushed
1 8oz package cream cheese, softened
1 package white almond bark
1 package chocolate almond bark

First, use a blender or food processor to crush the oreos. Second, mix the crushed oreos with the softened cream cheese with a kitchen aid or hand held mixer. Third, roll into walnut size balls (I use a tiny Mellon baller to make them all the same size). Fourth, chill in the freezer for an hour or longer (I always do it for a few hours). Melt just a little of your white almond bark (I melt 2 squares as I go) and stick a toothpick in the oreo ball and roll in the melted white chocolate. Put wax paper on a cookie sheet and put your white chocolate dipped balls on that. When you're done put them back in the freezer for a few hours. Now, melt the chocolate and put in a zip lock bag and cut a small hole in one of the bottom corners. Take the balls out of the freezer and drizzle the chocolate over all the balls. After you're done with that put them in the freezer until right before serving. Told you they were a pain. I only make them once a year! Let me just say I made them for Christmas 2012 and my husbands friends are willing to pay me to make them some. Enjoy! 🍴

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