Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Grilled Chicken.

This was a Pinterest find and I decided to try it. Well I made some changes to the recipe and it was amazing! My husband won't eat spinach but he did this night and said I'd have to make this again.What did I do? I grilled the chicken on my George Foreman with salt &pepper until it was done. While that was working I had the oven preheating to 400 degrees. Now multitask after you get both of those things started heat a pan on medium to medium high heat and add some olive oil with some salt &pepper, 3 cloves of garlic (Rachel Ray taught me to grate the garlic instead of chop, it's so much easier and better) after that's heated add enough spinach to divide between how many pieces if chicken your cooking - remember spinach shrinks when you cook it. After the spinach mixture is heated through and your chicken is done decide it on the chicken then put mozzarella on top of the spinach. This is where I changed it I added a few chopped jalapeños and Greek olives to the top. I then put some tomato on the of that and then finally some green onion. Now, put it in the oven long enough to just melt the cheese and then you're done. Serve with any side item you'd like. Enjoy! 🍴

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